Business Schools Ranking

Eduniversal ranking methodology

Entering the system or obtaining an additional Palme of Excellence

Eduniversal rating : Palmes of excellence

The Eduniversal system rates schools according to the international reputation of a school at national and global levels, and by geographical zone. After the 1000 best business schools in 153 countries have been selected, they are divided within each country into five levels of excellence which Eduniversal titles the Palme of Excellence. There are five leagues of Palmes of Excellence.

Eduniversal Evaluation System (EES): a 3-step process to establish a
Business School’s ranking in 153 countries


Schools selected by Country


Schools rated by Palme levels within each country


Schools in each Palme League Ranked according the Deans Vote

A Palme level is awarded to each school based on a set of internationalization criteria developed by the International Scientific Committee. These schools are then ranked within each Palme level according to the assessment made by peers: The Deans vote.

The Internationalization criteria takes into account:

Major rankings of business schools;
Membership in international and national academic associations

Division of the schools into the five Palmes of Excellence leagues allows for a horizontal comparison within 9 zones, which is different from the vertical comparison established by most of the international ranking systems. The Eduniversal Ranking System does not compare, for example, schools in one country to another country. Rather, it simply ranks the best schools within each country and within each Palme league.

The Palme leagues are divided as followed :

  • 100 schools in the 5 palmes league
    Universal Business Schools with strong global influence
  • 200 schools in the 4 palmes league
    Top Business Schools with significant international influence
  • 400 schools in the 3 palmes league
    Excellent Business Schools with reinforcing international influence
  • 200 schools in the 2 palmes league
    Good Business Schools with strong regional influence
  • 100 schools in the 1 palm league
    Business Schools with considerable local influence

League changes

The process for changing a school’s Palme League can be initiated either:

- According to the Eduniversal Evaluation System (EES), through analysis of the Deans Vote results. For example if a school with 4 Palmes gets a significantly increased number of votes over a number of years and shows a positive difference between it and the schools listed before and behind it.

- Through communication with a school which considers that it has sufficient reasons to change to a higher Palmes league. If a school has undergone, or is undergoing significant changes (international and national accreditations, recognitions and distinctions, major developments and acquisition of new entities, institutes, high calibre projects for innovation, etc. ), this school can submit a request by presenting its case to the International Scientific Committee. The Scientific Committee will assess the file with respect to all the criteria that lead to the award of Palmes.

Stages of the re-evaluation process:

A request to change a school’s league level should be sent along with the scanned copies of the official documents. For questions about the process, please contact:

It will be transferred to the member of the Scientific Committee for the geographical zone of the School candidate and to the Board of Directors of EDUNIVERSAL.

If the school’s request is approved, it will then be submitted for further approval to the entire Committee (ISC).
The school will receive a reply regarding the outcome following the next Eduniversal World Convention. In the case of refusal, the ISC will explain the grounds for refusal and convey its recommendations for that school’s future candidacy. The re-evaluation process is free of charge.